Legal information


Wincasa AG
Albisriederstrasse 253
8047 Zurich

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The content of the Promotion Management website (texts, data, images, graphics, videos, press releases, etc.) is protected by copyright. Third-party copyrights are reserved. You may download or print out individual pages and parts of this website provided that neither the copyright signs nor other legally protected names or symbols are removed. Modification of this site is prohibited in all cases. Reproduction, linking or use for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of Wincasa AG. No rights (rights of use, intellectual property rights, etc.) are acquired by accessing, downloading or copying pages.

The name “Wincasa” and the components of its logo are protected trademarks of Wincasa AG, Albisriederstrase 253, 8047 Zurich. The Shopping Arena logo is also protected.


Neither Wincasa AG nor its employees accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the services and information offered on its website. Wincasa AG reserves the right to amend or supplement the content of its website at any time. In particular, liability is excluded for direct or indirect damage or consequential damage that users or third parties may incur as a result of using the Internet, the Wincasa AG website and the information contained therein, or as a result of accessing other websites via links. This exclusion of liability also includes loss of data, misuse by third parties and viruses.

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